Friday, December 27, 2019
Buddhism Tradition And Time Period - 961 Words
To begin, the first fact I learned about Buddhism is that each tradition and time period had a different stories about the Buddha, meaning the story is constantly changing in a way. It was fascinating in many ways to learn that they believe telling the story of The Buddha is a good way to learn about Buddhism, therefore, teaching people about Buddha allows them to learn his teachings. Because they believe he is such a key point to understanding Buddhism they study about how in the beginning of his life he was shielded from any and everything bad. He only saw the good in life for years, until he began taking trips outside of his palace. Here he found out about old age, sickness and death, discovering that this was an inevitable part of life even for himself. However, they also believe that after he finds these facts out he then discovers that there were people who committed themselves to a spiritual side seeking to escape all of these awful facts of life. So, he decides to leave his l ife of luxury, but as he is leaving Mara tempts him to stay and essentially rule the world. But, according to Buddhism he resisted and left the world he had know his whole life, he cute his hair and put on the robes of those who seek enlightenment, he gives up everything in order to gain more from his life. Buddhist believe that this was the beginning of his journey, he personally does not have any teachings yet, nor does he have an understand of the world as of yet. He does, however, recognizeShow MoreRelatedThe Tale Of Genji By Murasaki Shikibu877 Words  | 4 Pagesideas. 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In the eleventh century C.E., King Anawratha established The Myanmas kingdom, it was at this time that he converted to Theravada Buddhism, despite a large Tantric Buddhist population in the kingdom. From then on, Myanmar has been known as a Theravada Buddhist country. As with most religionsRead MoreEssay on Asian Art Museum in San Francisco1315 Words  | 6 PagesAsian Art Museum in San Francisco During the first week of September, I made a trip with a friend to the Asian Art Museum in San Francisco. Every first Sunday of the month, admission into the museum is free. It is my first time to visit there and I was most impressed with the huge number of Buddhas on display. Most of the pieces are in excellent condition. It is amazing 600-year-old pottery and all these stone statues of Buddha that looks like it was made yesterday. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019
Let Us Start With Brown V. Buhman - 992 Words
The supreme court sees generally to be ignored on the vast majority of its cases that it holds. Some cases hold a particular interest from the public because of publicity due to the topics they address but it is no secret that the vast majority of these cases are ignored by people in their everyday life. It can be seen with some examples from cases like Brown v. Buhman, Spokeo v. Robbins, Fisher v. University of Texas that the decision made in these cases can have an impact on the lives of all or many citizens that generally ignore their outcomes holding no regard for the standings of the supreme court. Let us start with Brown v. Buhman as the first example for why the average citizen should care about the supreme court. This case covers an issue with the Brown family a group of polygamists regarding a statute in Utah. This case brings up a few important things to be recognized. Primarily the case regards standing and mootness of a case, these are both important aspects of law t o understand. For a case to continue and take place it has to be relevant and there has to be a reason for the case to be brought up. In the case of Brown v. Buman if part of the statute was deemed unconstitutional then the case would no longer be needed as it would solve the issue. Now although most people may feel that on the outside an understanding of this case is irrelevant to them as it handles a case of polygamy it holds many important considerations. One of which is free exercise
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Cerebral Functions Sustained Memory and Consciousness free essay sample
A paper which discusses the important cerebral functions of memory storage and development of reality and consciousness. One of the most interesting areas of scientific research these days is the brain. This paper discusses the important cerebral functions of memory storage and development of reality and consciousness. It shows how the brain is capable of storing past events in one of its several compartments, but it has to be done efficiently or else past events would encroach upon recent ones thus blurring the boundaries between conscious and unconscious worlds. But while man does need to be able to recall past events, it is equally important for him to be able to separate past from present. For this he needs to know what reality is and where he is today and now. This may appear rather puzzling to someone who has just undertaken the study of brain, but it is nonetheless worth pondering. We will write a custom essay sample on Cerebral Functions: Sustained Memory and Consciousness or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page How does man know who he is and what reality actually is? In other words, in order to qualify as a normal rational human being, man needs to be able to separate conscious reality from the unconscious. But consciousness is not something tangible, it is one of those cerebral functions that cannot be explained in concert terms.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Narrative Voices In Huck Finn Essays - English-language Films
Narrative Voices in Huck Finn Huckleberry Finn provides the narrative voice of Mark Twain's novel, and his honest voice combined with his personal vulnerabilities reveal the different levels of the Grangerfords' world. Huck is without a family: neither the drunken attention of Pap nor the pious ministrations of Widow Douglas were desirable allegiance. He stumbles upon the Grangerfords in darkness, lost from Jim and the raft. The family, after some initial cross-examination, welcomes, feeds and rooms Huck with an amiable boy his age. With the light of the next morning, Huck estimates "it was a mighty nice family, and a mighty nice house, too"(110). This is the first of many compliments Huck bestows on the Grangerfords and their possessions. Huck is impressed by all of the Grangerfords' belongings and liberally offers compliments. The books are piled on the table "perfectly exact"(111), the table had a cover made from "beautiful oilcloth"(111), and a book was filled with "beautiful stuff and poetry"(111). He even appraises the chairs, noting they are "nice split-bottom chairs, and perfectly sound, too--not bagged down in the middle and busted, like an old basket"(111). It is apparent Huck is more familar with busted chairs than sound ones, and he appreciates the distinction. Huck is also more familar with flawed families than loving, virtuous ones, and he is happy to sing the praises of the people who took him in. Col. Grangerford "was a gentleman all over; and so was his family"(116). The Colonel was kind, well-mannered, quiet and far from frivolish. Everyone wanted to be around him, and he gave Huck confidence. Unlike the drunken Pap, the Colonel dressed well, was clean-shaven and his face had "not a sign of red in it anywheres" (116). Huck admired how the Colonel gently ruled his family with hints of a submerged temper. The same temper exists in one of his daughters: "she had a look that would make you wilt in your tracks, like her father. She was beautiful"(117). Huck does not think negatively of the hints of iron in the people he is happy to care for and let care for him. He does not ask how three of the Colonels's sons died, or why the family brings guns to family picnics. He sees these as small facets of a family with "a handsome lot of quality" (118). He thinks no more about Jim or the raft, but knows he has found a new home, one where he doesn't have to go to school, is surrounded by interior and exterior beauty, and most importantly, where he feels safe. Huck "liked that family, dead ones and all, and warn't going to let anything come between us"(118). Huck is a very personable narrator. He tells his story in plain language, whether describing the Grangerford's clock or his hunting expedition with Buck. It is through his precise, trusting eyes that the reader sees the world of the novel. Because Huck is so literal, and does not exaggerate experiences like Jim or see a grand, false version of reality like Tom Sawyer, the reader gains an understanding of the world Mark Twain created, the reader is able to catch Twain's jokes and hear his skepticism. The Grangerford's furniture, much admired by Huck, is actually comicly tacky. You can almost hear Mark Twain laughing over the parrot-flanked clock and the curtains with cows and castles painted on them even as Huck oohs and ahhs. And Twain pokes fun at the young dead daughter Huck is so drawn to. Twain mocks Emmeline as an amateur writer: "She warn't particular, she could write about anything you choose to give her to write about, just so it was sadful"(114). Yet Twain allows the images of Emmeline and the silly clock to deepen in meaning as the chapter progresses. Emmeline is realized as an early portent of the destruction of Huck's adopted family. The mantel clock was admired by Huck not only for its beauty, but because the Grangerfords properly valued beauty and "wouldn't took any money for her"(111). Huck admired the Grangerfords' principles, and the stake they placed in good manners, delicious food, and attractive possessions. But Huck realizes in Chapter 18 that whereas the Grangerfords may value
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Fast Food, Fat Profits
The documentary film Fast Food, Fat Profits is aimed at exploring various issues such as the underlying causes of obesity in the United States, the eating habits of American people, and the factors that shape their dietary choices. This movie can be discussed with the help of frame analysis developed by Erving Goffman.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Fast Food, Fat Profits specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This approach can show how the authors convey their main message to the viewers. Moreover, this film should be evaluated from the perspective of radical doubt. In this way, one can evaluate the arguments or ideas more critically. First, one can speak about social framework which implies that the events and trends described in the movie can be explained by the actions and decisions of individuals and organizations that can derive some benefit from current social tendencies (Goffman 22). In this case, o ne should speak about the activities of fast-food companies that provide products that are rich in calories. These enterprises can appeal to many consumers because they can sell their foods at a much lower price. Moreover, these organizations resist the attempts of legislators to regulate their activities. Apart from that, much attention should be paid to the unwillingness of public administrators to raise awareness about the risks of fast food. For instance, many employees of the U.S. Department of Agriculture are affiliated with the producers of fast food. In fact, they can even lobby the interests of these businesses. Thus, the epidemic of obesity in the United States can be attributed to the activities of corporations as well as governmental officials who have a conflict of interests. This is one of the messages that this documentary film conveys. However, it is also possible to speak about the natural framework according to which the events should be regarded as undirected or u nguided (Goffman 22). In other words, the outcomes should not be attributed to an agent that strives to influence the behavior of other people.Advertising Looking for critical writing on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This perspective can be applied to this film. For instance, one can say that the epidemic of obesity is driven by the economic inequalities in the American society. Many people are not able to purchase healthy food products; therefore, they have to buy fast food. Furthermore, many people do not know much about the risks of such eating habits. In particular, some of them are not fully aware of such consequences as diabetes or heart diseases. Therefore, it is not reasonable to blame only fast-food companies or governmental officials for the growing rates of obesity in America. By combining natural and social frameworks, one can argue that obesity can be viewed as the result of economic inequalities , the activities of fast food companies, and people’s lifestyles. Thus, the film-makers crafted the main message of this documentary by using natural and social frameworks. This is one of the issues that can be distinguished. In addition to that, this film can be discussed from the standpoint of radical doubt. In particular, it is possible to assume that people, who spoke about the underlying causes of obesity, had an incentive to conceal or even distort information. For instance, one can suppose that some critics of these products were affiliated with some competitors of fast-food companies. Therefore, they could be motivated to accuse these businesses of various health problems faced by American people. Thus, the practice of radical doubt can help a person to examine the arguments of other people more thoroughly. Furthermore, this approach is useful for indentifying the limitations of the statements made by other people.Advertising We will write a custom critical writi ng sample on Fast Food, Fat Profits specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More For example, one can say that the authors of this movie did not pay much attention to the sedentary lifestyles of many people. Similarly, the people, who were interviewed in the film, could be willing to accuse fast-food companies because it was difficult for them to accept their responsibility for their eating habits. This is one of the details that should not be overlooked. In turn, the film-makers did not speak much about people’s unwillingness to do physical exercises which are important for controlling weight. Therefore, the main message of this documentary is not quite accurate. Thus, the notion of radical doubt is a helpful tool for the evaluation of information. There are some limits to the practice of radical doubt. As it has been said before, this method is premised on the idea that a person has an incentive to lie. Thus, one must show or prove that this motivation is present. Furthermore, by relying on radical doubt, one can question the validity of every study, report, survey, and so forth. The main problem is that in this way, one can reject virtually every source of information. This is one of the limitations that can be singled out. Still, this discussion shows that the analysis of cinematographic work should be based on the application of critical thinking skills. In this way, one can better critique the arguments put forward by other people. These are the main benefits of this approach. Works Cited Goffman, Erving. Frame Analysis: An Essay on the Organization of Experience, Boston: Northeastern, 1986. Print. This critical writing on Fast Food, Fat Profits was written and submitted by user Tombstone to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Native American Literature Essay Example
Native American Literature Essay Example Native American Literature Essay Native American Literature Essay Essay Topic: Girl in Translation These stories were usually presented by speakers who were focused on their performance. They used different voices, hand gestures, movements and were very animated. 2. Why is it important to know the origins of their literature? The origin of the literature helps you understand the stories by knowing the culture in which hey are taking place. It reflects a culture as it existed before the arrival of the Europeans. 3. What might be lost in the translation of their stories? Over time as the stories were retold over and over some of the stories may have been changed. Perhaps they may have changed with time and to adapt to new circumstances. 4. What group of people finally wrote down the stories? Why is this significant? The Native American stories and folklore did not come into print until the 19th century, over 300 years after the arrival of the Europeans. It is important that they wrote these stories down the Indians had a very limited written language and if the Europeans had not recorded them they would have been lost in time. 5. Briefly summarize A Tale of the Sky World. You should focus on plot. In the beginning the world was not as we know it today, up in the sky there was another world called The Sky World where human type beings lived. In this Sky World there was a great tree which bore corn that fed the village. Well it so happened, that the chiefs daughter was very sick but there seems to be no cure in sight. One night, a friend of the Chief had a dream that if the girl was placed by the tree and the tree dug up, her sickness would be cured. The girl was placed by the tree, and the tree was dug up. Along came a man who was upset that the tree that fed the village was being dug up and push the girl into the hole where the tree once was. The hole opened up into a world that was completely covered with water. The girls saw this world as she was falling. As she fell the birds of the sky decided to save her and carried her on their bodies. When they grew tired of carrying her, the turtle stepped in and aired her on his back. They quickly decided they could not continue to carry her and that the earth would become her home. They then began to prepare the earth so she could live on it. Soil from the bottom of the sea was brought up and place on the turtles back and it quickly increase where the land could hold all the earths future creatures. The girl recovered from the illness and was living comfortable on the earth, when she brought forth and baby daughter. The girl grew into adulthood and often accompanied her mother in digging wild potatoes. The daughter soon became with child. The mother claimed it was because she was facing the wrong direction while digging potatoes and the West Wind had entered her causing the pregnancy. The girl soon birthed twin boys, one a reddish color and the other a much lighter color. The grandmother did not like the darker child and cast him out into a hollowed tree. As the lighter skinned boy grew, he became a hunter and soon discovered his brother and told his grandmother of the boy. The grandmother then brought the boy home. The boys were very different from each other in personality. One brother was good a created a world that would help its people survive easily, but the other brother was not so kind and created a world that would hinder its future people and make their lives difficult. The inspection of each others creations caused a huge fight be;en the brothers which resulted in the death of the darker skinned brother. 6. What is being created and how is it being created? A livable earth was being created for the girl and its future inhabitants. This was done by bringing up dirt from the sea bottom and placing it on the turtles ace where it expanded and created enough livable for all the earths future creatures. . What type of tale is this? A creation myth 8. The daughter conceives the twins by facing the West 9. What does the violent ending of the tale suggest about the presence of good and evil on earth? Good always battles evil but, in the end, most of the time good prevails. 10. Briefly summarize The Chiefs Daughters. Two girls were laying under the star s making wishes. One girl wishes to be up in the sky with the dim star and the other wishes to be up in the sky with the bright star. When they awake the next morning, their wishes have come true. The one who wished to be with the dim star was the wife of a brave chief and the girl who wanted to be with the bright star was now a servant. The girls remained friend but, now the girl who wished to be with the bright star was to serve the other girl when they Went to dig turnips. They Were told to never strike the ground twice while digging turnips, but the wife of the brave chief was curious what would happen if they struck twice. The next time they went to dig turnips she convinced her servant girl to strike at the ground twice. Striking twice revealed a hole in which she could see her previous home, the earth. This caused the girls to cry, they both wanted to go home. The chief decided to grant their wish and send them back home to earth. He gathers many lariats and knotted them together and wound them around the girls bodies and dropped them through the clouds to their home. When the people of the village saw the girls they were overjoyed. 11. Discuss the possible moral of this tale. Be careful of what you wish for, as it may not be as good as it seems from afar. 12. What happened when the girl struck twice while digging up turnips? A hole opened up in the ground and she could see her previous home on earth 13. What was used to return the chiefs daughters home? Lariats were knotted together and would around the girls bodies and they were gently dropped through the sky to the earth. 14. This tale is a common type of tale called The Star Husband. want you to find a different version of this tale by searching the internet. Provide the title of your tale, the website where you found it, and compare and contrast it to The Chiefs Daughters. Website found: http://BMW. Profiteroles. S/UP-Html- sends/Amicableness-Mammal. HTML Title: Miasma Women Who Married Star Husbands. A Mica Legend Discussion and Research: How do the American Indian tales you read compare to similar tales from the culture in which you were raised? (For example: Remember that this is considered a creation myth. What story were you told about creation? ) Include the following in your answer: The titles Of the tales you read and briefly summarize each . The American Indian Tales and the tales I was told as a child are similar in that they both have been passed down from generation to generation. Most of the time they each use animals to tell the story. Both types of tales are written in a way that only children themselves could believe them. A creation myth that was told as a child is the myth about where babies come from. The myth is that babies are brought by a Stork. This myth was derived from the tale by Hans Christian Anderson titled The Storks, written in 1838. It is the story of how a mother stork, the father and their babies are made fun of by a group of boys. The teasing upset the baby storks and they wanted to get revenge on the boys. Mother stork would not agree o it until they learned to fly and then on their departure day they may get their revenge. When that day arrived the young storks agreed that the boys who did not sing and tease would get a new baby sibling from the pond where all children lie waiting for the stork to come a deliver them to their parents. The boys who had been first to sing and tease, they would bring him a baby who had dreamed itself to death, and the little boy who refused to sing and said it was not nice to make fun of animals would also get a baby brother or sister because he was a good boy.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
International Accounting Standards Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
International Accounting Standards - Essay Example (Salter et al, 1996). The main goal of the International set of Accounting Standards is to standardise the financial and accounting method disclosures of firms in different nations. That is, if firms follow the same set of accounting standards, their external financial reports will provide more uniform disclosures and thus investors would make more use of the variables inherent in the financial statements. (Asbaugh, 2001). Also, firms and investors would benefit from financial statements prepared following an international set of accounting standards. (Asbaugh, 2001). In meeting with the afore-mentioned objectives, the European Union issued regulation 1606/2002 of July 19, 2002 requiring that all companies listed in the European Union and European listed companies in other countries to adopt international accounting standards in their Financial statements from 1st January 2005 onwards the regulation also gave member states the option to or permit the use of IAS and IFRS in the corporate annual accounts. A single set of standards including IAS 2 inventories had to be adopted by firms in the region and firms in other regions that are listed in the E.U. Non-E.U listed firms in other areas that permit or require the adoption of IAS/IFRS also adopted International accounting standards. The International Accounting Standards Board recently revised IAS 2. In accordance to this revision, the LIFO method of valuing inventories was completely faced out and only the First in First out (FIFO) and weighted average methods of inventories are to be used as from now henceforth. Following this revision, I predict significant effects on costs, profitability, taxes and firm value for firms adopting international accounting standards who previously applied the LIFO method of accounting considering that they are now required to use only the FIFO or weighted average methods of inventory valuation. I also predict significant difficulties in convergence with the U.S GAAP considering the fact that the LIFO method remains the method applied in the United States. Thus the International Accounting Standards Board will hardly achieve its goals of converging International Accounting Standards with U.S GAAP. One would expect a series of effects from changing from the old standards to the new standards either positive or negative. Most research on this topic has centred on different aspects of international accounting standards. For example Taylor and Jones (1999) studied how firms that claim to be using accounting standards refer to international accounting standards in their financial statements. This study provides evidence that almost all the firms in the study referred to international accounting standards in the footnotes to the financial statements but referred to international accounting standards in their audit reports only 50% of the time. Ashbaugh (2001) investigated the factors associated with non-US firms that voluntarily disclose their financial statements following either U.S GAAP or IAS. Examining the annual reports of 211 non-US firms listed in the London Stock exchange
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Pacing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Pacing - Essay Example In addition, the paper will cover learning for difficult subjects in English language learners’ class. Pacing Introduction According to Alan Hofmeister and Margaret Libke, pacing entails both curriculum and lesson pacing. A pacing guide is a written schedule that contains the concepts, topics and skills that are related the curriculum to be covered within a specified period of time (Richards & Lockhart, 2006, p 126). Curriculum pacing is concerned with the rate at which progress is made in delivering the curriculum while lesson pacing is concerned with the rate at which a teacher conducts the individual lessons. From past research, it is evident that low-achieving students learn effectively when lessons are conducted at brisk pace since more content is covered in classroom (Hofmeister & Lubke, 1999, p 19). However, it is assumed that the lesson difficulty will permit the learners to attain a higher rate of success since highly difficult lessons or contents cannot well learned at instructional pace. Good pacing provides the students with the right rhythm of the lesson and creates a perception that the lesson is progressing at the right speed (Richards & Lockhart, 2006, p 127). Lesson pacing is essential in classroom learning. Lesson pacing acts an indicator that students use to gauge the speed and progress of learning in a particular lesson. Accordingly, pacing enables the instructors or teachers to align the method of teaching with the objectives of learning and level of difficulty of the lesson (Richards & Lockhart, 2006, p 131). Effective pacing enables the teacher to hold the attention of the students thus contributing to effective attainment of the learning objectives in a particular lesson. In this regard, students have prior perception of the amount of content that will be covered within a certain period thus enabling them to concentrate during the entire lesson period (Hofmeister & Lubke, 1999, p 27). Lesson pacing helps in advancing from one lear ning topic to the next during the lesson. In this regard, pacing ensures that teachers deliver knowledge in a coherent and sequential manner since no interruptions such as missing instructional materials occur. Lesson pacing arouses learning curiosity and controls students’ behavioral problems during the lesson. Lesson pacing facilitates contribution from the learners through asking for clarifications, quality questioning and coverage of sufficient content within the lesson period (Richards & Lockhart, 2006, p 132). Pacing for a class that includes English Language Learner (ELL) students and for a class that does not include ELL students will differ significantly. For ELL class, explanation of certain vocabularies and key terms is essential before teaching the students new concepts (Hofmeister & Lubke, 1999, p 52). For English Language Learners (ELL), the teacher must move at a slower pace while demonstrating the concepts through body language in order to maintain the attenti on of the learners. For ELL students, the teacher must present learning materials and instructions visually through issuing handouts and not relying entirely on oral instructions (Richards & Lockhart, 2006, p 139). The pacing must facilitate language mastery through clear outline of lesson objectives and definition of the language objectives. The lesson content must be aligned with English language proficiency and lesson activities must integrate lesson concepts with English language practice opportunities such as writing poems (Hofmeister & Lub
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Virtual simulation in military training Essay Example for Free
Virtual simulation in military training Essay Virtual simulation provides a safe and effective way of training soldiers and military personnel in a given environment by fully simulating real equipment and real conditions. According to (Smith, 2007, p. 1), the military has been using and developing simulation technologies for several decades. Military simulations, or war games as they are commonly called, allow soldiers to rehearse missions and test the theories of warfare to get a better estimation and understanding of complex interactions and outcomes in the battlefield. The advantage is that learning occurs without the need of actual hostilities. Military simulation is â€Å"a system or model that represents activities and interactions over time. A simulation may be fully automated, or it may be interactive or interruptible†(NSC, 2000, as cited in Smith, 2007, p. 1). Thus, virtual simulation provides both â€Å"human-in-the-loop†simulators for training and analytical tools for computing outcomes in a controlled environment that is free of the life threatening situations that are part of real combat operations. The Close Combat Tactical Trainer (CCTT) is the First member of the Combined Arms Tactical Trainers (CATT) family of virtual, distributed interactive simulations for collective training to provide armor, mechanized infantry, cavalry and recon crews, units and staffs with a virtual, collective training capability (from PEO STRI) The Program Executive Office for Simulation, Training and Instrumentation (PEOSTRI) is in charge of acquisition and technology solutions to develop simulated training modules for US soldiers. Simulated training mainly consists of critical warfighting skills and rehearsals so that they could safely accomplish their missions. Military simulations exist in many different forms and in varying degrees of realism. Smith (2007) explained a number of different military simulation techniques and models. A military model constitutes either a â€Å"mathematic equation, a logical algorithm, a three-dimensional digital image, or a partial physical mock-up of the system†(Smith, 2007, p. 1). Military models not only include land, air, and sea vehicles; communications and radar equipment; handheld weapons; and individual soldiers but also the decision-making process and automated information processing that occurs inside the human brain and within battlefield computers. Different combinations and representations of the environment that is made up of terrain, vegetation, cultural features, the atmosphere, ocean, and RF environment are created to accurately represent potential military situations. Military simulations often focus on activities like movement, perception, exchange, engagement, reasoning, and dynamic environment. The user is able to picture the change in the position of an object over time through the dynamic representation of movement. Representation of perception allows the user to detect the existence, position, and identification of the other object through sensor models that capture the signatures of those objects. Representation of exchange that encompass the breadth and depth of the battlefield allow objects to exchange materials and information with each other in battlefield operations based on information on consumption rates and predeployment and replenishment of supplies as well as human decisionmaking and behaviors. An engagement model which has been the pivotal focus of military simulated training and analysis typically includes the exchange of weapons or firepower from a shooter to a target. This exchange decrements the capability of the shooter by expending ammunition (e. g. bullets, missiles, bombs, rockets, grenades, artillery rounds). The model captures the geometry between the shooter and the target and environmental features like trees, terrain, water, and buildings that may interfere with the optimal delivery of the weapon, defensive systems of the target (e. g. effects of flares or chaff in deceiving and misleading a guided missile and protective effects of armor to deflect the weapon). The dynamic environment model features a simulated environment that is more than just a static state but representations of interactions with military objects both through direct intention and through accidental collocation. (Smith, 2007, pp. 5-10)
Friday, November 15, 2019
Naturalistic Observation Method
Naturalistic Observation Method Naturalistic Observation Instructions Introduction Naturalistic observation is a method that is used to collect behavioral data in real life situations. The researcher needs to be careful not to interfere with the natural setting. Data can be gathered by observing from a distance without making the subject aware that he/she is been observed. The researcher can also join the setting and became a part of it so as to gain the trust of the subjects. As a result the subjects will behave normally. The observation may be direct or indirect. In the direct method the researcher is present in the setting but in the indirect method other means such as video recordings are used. Indirect method allows the observer to capture activities that would easily be unnoticed. Direct method on the other hand allows the observer to focus on particular areas of interest. Case study This is a naturalistic observation of a child and his parents in a health care facility. Am African-American family is sited in the Childrens Hospital of Philadelphias waiting room. It is 9 am and the hospital has a sizeable number of patients to attend to. The young boy is approximately 7 to 9 years of age. He is wearing a blue T- shirt and blank trousers. His mother a full figured lady is in a red and white poker dots dress. The father is quite tall approximately 57†, he is in a long sleeved purple shirt, a black tie and black pants. He appears to be dressed up for work. As the observation begins the family sits quietly in the waiting room. The husband and wife converse in low tones. The young boy keenly observes the hospital environment, often turning his head and moving around his chair. His father signals him to sit still. The boy looks at his mother and goes back to his sit. However, a few minutes later he starts looking around again. The woman appears to be engaged in a serious conversation with her husband. She nods her head attentively and occasionally gives a response. Her attention drifts back and forth from her husband then to her son. She stokes the boys head, smiles and turns his head so that he stops staring at a little baby and its mother around the corner. After waiting for a few minutes the man leaves the room. The boy leans fondly on his mother and starts to speak. Often he raises his finger to point out things but his mother holds his hand and smiles. She whispers something in his ears as she shakes her head. She appears to be communicating her disapproval based on her gestures and facial expression. He boy makes a face and chuckles. His father returns and the mood becomes tenser. He boy sits upright playing with his hands. Hypothesis The child speaks more frequently to the mother than to the father. The child appears to have a closer relationship with the mother than with the father. When the father left the room the child appeared more relaxed. He even initiated a conversation with his mother. Occasionally as he spoke he pointed out things in the environment, although his mother cautioned him against it. When the boy was cautioned by his mother he did not appear threatened. In stead he smiled and maintained his jovial mood. His mother also appeared to pay attention to him. She would stoke his head as she conversed with her husband. As soon as the father returned he boy become tense, sat up right and kept to himself. Earlier on in the observation the father had signaled the boy to sit still. The boy had responded swiftly without any hesitation and seemed rather tense. The father appears to be disciplinarian. The manner in which his spouse gave him her attention also asserts his role as head of the family. This appears to be a decent inner city family that is keen on instilling morals in their son. The father appears to adopt a stern and direct form of disciplining or correcting. This is evident in the way he signals the child to sit upright. He keeps a straight face and maintains direct eye contact. The boy seems to be more withdrawn when relating to his father. They do not even exchange a word or glances. Challenges The exercise is time consuming. It takes a lot of patience to observe, take notes and then analyze the findings. Alteration of behavior by subjects when they become aware that they are been observed is another challenge. Therefore the researcher needs to be very cautious so as not to alert the subject. The researcher should record his findings without intervening in the situation. It is a challenge to avoid experimental bias when observing the inner city families. It is difficult to remain object without allowing personal predispositions or stereotypes to cloud ones judgment. Conclusion Naturalistic observation of children and their families in a health care facility is an effective method of carrying out a research. This technique can assist in gathering data and gaining insight more than other research methods such as structured interviews and quantitative methods. Human factors are a challenge in any form of observational research. References George A. Miller (1983). The Principles of Psychology: with introduction. London: Harvard University Press. Brain, Christine. (2002). Advanced psychology: applications, issues and perspectives. Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Management and Smart Criteria
University of Phoenix Material Goal Setting Worksheet Review this week’s resources (for example SMART criteria, and the Career Plan Building Activities). Respond to the following in 50 to 100 words each: 1. Describe one academic goal that you have created using the SMART criteria. How do SMART criteria contribute to your academic goals? One academic goal that I am using with SMART is passing my classes with a least a C. SMART contribute to my academic goals by helping me to improve in my classes, help me to allocate time to important activities such as my family and help me reduce stress due to college life work and personal life. . Describe one professional/career goal you have created using the SMART criteria and Career Plan Building Activities results. How did the results of the Career Interest Profiler and Career Plan Building Activity on Competencies contribute to your professional goal development? One professional goal that I have created with using SMART is to win empl oyee of the year at my job. It contributes to my professional goal because I am a good listener. I like to work with people and I follow my employer’s rules. 3. Related article: Example Essay How to Study SmartDescribe the stress and time-management strategies you have learned this week that will help you achieve your goals. Stress and time management strategies that I have learned this week that will help me achieve my goals are to prepare myself for that goal. When study I should take breaks so that I will not be stressed. I will also adjust my plan each day. 4. Describe how you will balance academic expectations and your personal and professional responsibilities. I will balance my academic expectations, personal, and professional responsibilities by Equally I will give my attention to them all.I would come up with a schedule where I would set time slots to give my time to each . I think by doing this I will not feel overworked and over whelmed. 5. How can understanding the importance of SMART criteria and your career interests and competencies help you move towards your career and academic goals? Understanding the importance of SMART and my career interest can help me move in my career and academic goals by helping me to stay focus and take control of my life direction. Using SMART can help me to be and stay motivated to see if I am succeeding in achieving my goals.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Harlem Renaissance with Langston Hughes Essay
The Harlem Renaissance brought about uniqueness amongst African Americans; everything was new. The visual art, the jazz music, fashion and literature took a cultural spin. During this time writer Langston Hughes seemed to outshine the rest with amazing works. The Harlem Renaissance brought about many great changes. It was a time for expressing the African American culture. It is variously known as the Harlem Renaissance, the Black Literary Renaissance, or the New Negro Movement. Many famous people began their writing or gained their recognition during this time. The Harlem Renaissance took place during the 1920’s and 1930’s. â€Å"This movement known collectively as the Harlem Renaissance developed at the end of World War I in 1918, blossomed in the mid- to late 1920s, and faded in the mid 1930s. This movement developed along with social and intellectual disturbance in the African American community in the early 20th century.†[1] The Harlem Renaissance also led to a declined era called the Great Depression. They also migrated to avoid terrorism, unending debts, and the poor living conditions of southern sharecropping. During that time, hundreds and thousands of educated and intellectual African Americans moved from financial depressed, low budget rural south to industrial cities like Chicago, Philadelphia, Cleveland, and especially New York City, to take advantage of the job opportunities created by World War I. As more and more blacks settled in the neighborhood of Harlem, New York, it became a political and cultural place for black America; Harlem became a black neighborhood. â€Å"As a result of this great collective body of African Americans coming together, the variety of talents among them, the creativity they offered each other, and the dynamics of their new found existence, created a rebirth for African Americans, now known as The Harlem Renaissance.†[2] Many things came about during the Harlem Renaissance; things such as jazz and blues, poetry, dance, and musical theater. The African American way of life became the popular thing. Many white people came to discover this newest art, dancing, music, and literature. The Great Migration of African American people from the rural South to the North, and many into Harlem were the cause of this occurrence. The Great Migration was the movement of two million blacks out of the Southern United States to the Midwest, Northeast and West from 1910 to 1930. African Americans migrated to escape racism and prejudice in the South, as well as to seek jobs in industrial cities. Pan-africanism is a movement to unify African Americans into one community. America during this time begins to see this happening in Harlem. Harlem was originally a Dutch settlement. Harlem became one of the largest African American communities in the United States, and during the Harlem Renaissance became a center for art and literature. Many great writers came about during this time, one of which was Langston Hughes. Hughes was born in 1902 with the name James Langston Hughes, and died in 1967. He lived most of his adult life in Harlem. He grew up without a stable family environment. His father moved to Mexico, and he never really saw much of him. Hughes was often referred to as â€Å"Harlem’s poet.†[3] Hughes had and still has a great influence on poetry. Hughes poetry was a reflection of the African-American culture and Harlem. He wrote many poems, and continued to write even after the Harlem Renaissance. He loved Harlem that was his home. He watched it decline with the onset of the Great Depression. He saw Harlem turn into a place to be feared by many. It was a sad and dangerous place to be, after the depression. Hughes described the impact of the Great Depression among African Americans, â€Å"The depression brought everyone down a peg or two. And the Negro had but a few pegs to fall.†[4] The Harlem Renaissance was important because it was the first time that the mainstream publishers and critics took African American literature seriously. Although it was primarily a literarily movement, it was closely related to music, theater, art, and politics. The Harlem Renaissance brought about many great changes. Many famous people began their writing or gained their recognition during this period. Langston Hughes valued the teaching of children. Many of his poems are children’s poems. He often traveled to schools and read his poetry. His first published works were in a children’s magazine during the 1920’s. He published a book of ABC’s called The Sweet and Sour Animal Book. He wanted to inspire the youth, and make them feel good about themselves. He did not only write poetry, but that is what he is famous for. Much of his poetry talks of the hardships, poverty, inequality, etc. of the African-American people. His work has inspired many people, and is read by many students and scholars. He is a great positive role model. I personally love his poetry. It describes these problems within our society that still have yet to be resolved. It opens the reader’s eyes to the many disadvantages that many people have suffered through and are still trying to overcome. Langston Hughes is probably the most influential and remembered poet of the Harlem Renaissance. Hughes writes about how the African-American people have been all over the world. In â€Å"The Negro Speaks of Rivers†he talks about them bathing in the Euphrates, building huts by the Congo, and singing of the Mississippi. I think that this poem is showing how these people are everywhere. In America we act as if they are lesser, but he is saying to the white people, look at all my race has accomplished. For example, â€Å"We†built the pyramids, and we have been around as long as these rivers. This poem is meant to be positive. It does not talk directly about racism or puts down the white race for being prejudiced. In the poem, â€Å"I, Too†he describes how he is also part of what America is. Even if he is sent to eat in the kitchen, he is as much a part of America as anyone else. It shows that one day he will not be made to hide and eat in the kitchen. One day people will see that African Americans are beautiful people, and will be ashamed of how they were treated. This poem gives hope to the black community. It makes them look forward to the day when equality will come and racism will end. â€Å"Too bad that the day has still not yet come in this century.†[5] In his poem, â€Å"Harlem†this issue is addressed. He wonders what happens to dreams that are postponed. He feels that how long one must still dream of something that seems like it will never come. The African American people have been waiting to be seen as equal for several years, yet it still seems as though it will not happen. In â€Å"The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain,†a young Negro poet said, â€Å"I want to be a poet-not a Negro poet.†[6] It also describes how many middle class blacks tried to be more like a â€Å"white†person. To disown their heritage in a way and become part of white America, which wasn’t right. He talks about how they should learn to appreciate their diversity and their culture. The blacks should be proud of their individuality. He thinks that many blacks are taught by white teachers, see white books and pictures, white papers, and then want to be what they are seeing. The diversity of African American talent reached an all time along the path of generating rebirth to the nation during the Harlem Renaissance period of 1919 to 1940. There was an outburst of confidence, expression, creativity and talent. This collective outburst established a path for artistic cultural expression leading to social transformation for African Americans. As a result, Harlem became the â€Å"capital of the African American world†. The rebirth of African American culture was collected of clever works of art, uplifting and expressive poets, musicians of perfection, inspirational political activists, creative painters, inventive sculptors, creative thinking novelists, dramatic playwrights, visionary choreographers, natural actors, excellent journalists, and imaginative actors. Many of these African Americans have made unique and long-lasting contributions to African American history and became major icons of the American scene. Langston Hughes will always be known as a great poet who did so much to make his race move toward equality. He wrote many inspirational poems. He wanted to reach a younger generation and show them that they can be successful. He wanted the children to be proud of who they are, and to excel in literature. He was part of something great. That something great was the Harlem Renaissance. It was a time of change, a time of happiness for the most part. It was a time when many people realized that there were many talented African Americans. Also it was a time for new things and a new way of doing things. Jazz and Blues became popular. White people came to Harlem to see how blacks danced, and what music they listened to. Harlem became a very trendy place. The arts increased all around Harlem. People were having fun. This influenced many people and ways that still are around today. The influence of the music can still be heard in some of our music today. Many authors today were inspired by those of the Harlem Renaissance. It was a great time for the African American community, but at the same time it caused fighting between the middle class and poorer blacks. The feeling of inequality still existed, but at least African Americans were finally getting some recognition for some of the amazing accomplishments that they have made. The Harlem Renaissance was a transitional moment in time when poetry transformed a nation of African Americans to ultimate heights. The Harlem Renaissance brought about uniqueness among African Americans; everything was new. Great names such as Langston Hughes paved the way for the future generations to follow.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Case Study Communication and Media Essay Example
Case Study Communication and Media Essay Example Case Study Communication and Media Essay Case Study Communication and Media Essay Case Study Communication and Media Name: Course: Date: Case Study Communication and Media Key points in relation to the pleasure bound to be gained by children from attending the launch A pleasurable learning experience will be in store for the children who attend the launch; for example, use of picture books and practical items for the learning session in the program A tour of the publishing house will be organized where the children will get a chance to learn the publishing process An opportunity for the children to meet the invited writers of children’s scientific books A chance for the children to get answers to any questions they may have concerning science from the present scientific writers. Receiving of free samples of books which will be signed on the launch venue by the specific authors Fun scientific activities such as the children being allowed to learn processes using various objects and experiments (Garder, 1991) Field trips for schools’ science classes to the launch will enable the various classes to get a chance to have a fun class activity outside the classroom as a group There will be a science quiz where the winners will receive gif t vouchers for the institution enabling them to acquire scientific books published by the Scientific Institute for Children The decor at the launch will be set in a scientific manner, for example, there will be mock orbits, with different planets and stars, where accessory telescopes and scientific gadgets will also be used (Gardner, 1991). There will be showcasing of a scientifically educative play for the children where the actors will be dressed as major scientists behind scientific theories, for example, Isaac Newton and others as astronauts. Educative benefits The children will get free signed copies of scientific books they can use in their studies of science from their homes and in science classes Children will develop an appreciation of science as they understand the origin of things and they appreciate that learning science can be fun too as they are taught scientific concepts by writers of books and through plays and visual objects. Through the quiz section, children will be taught the correct ways to answer scientific questions hence the children will gain knowledge on approaches in answering scientific questions. Children will also gain communication skills, as they will interact with other children at the launch. The launch will provide a chance for the children to get a wide range of scientific books to choose from published by the Scientific Institution for Children Implementation strategy for the actualization of the pleasures and benefits assured to the attendants of the launch The program will be organized in a manner that it accommodates all the activities intended for the day. The famous writers of scientific works for children whose books are published by JRT Publishing will be invited to the launch. A certain number of giveaway books will be agreed upon by the management of the publishing company. These books will be awarded to the winners of the quiz. A number of the giveaway books agreed upon will be the books that the authors will sign at the launch to give to the children who will attend the launch. Invitations will be sent to surrounding schools, inviting the science class for the launch clearly stating the benefits that the day will have on science learning in class. In the program for the day, part of the program will be set to teach the children the importance of science in society and the reason it is one of the most important courses in school. The children will be taught the origin of the most fundamental phenomenon in life and the application of science in their day-to-day activities. This will be done using picture books and books that are identical to toys. This will enhance and maintain the children’s interests for a longer period (Horovitz, 2006). The children will then be given an opportunity to ask any questions they may have in regards to science and the earth. They will be encouraged to know that science is all about curiosity and will be encouraged to be aware of the scientific activities that go on around them in everyday life (Segal, Bardige, Woika Leinfelder, 2006). The present authors of scientific works will be given an opportunity to answer the questions asked by the children. After this, the authors will be stationed in a designated area, and the children will all go and individually receive a signed book from the author. The more personal involvement of the authors will aid in helping children to appreciate the books of the author and aid in developing an interest in the contents of the books (Glynn, Yeany Britton, 1991). This will help increase the children’s knowledge and urge them to learn more about science hence necessitating them to buy books that are more scientific. It will also aid in indenting the memory of the experience in the child’s mind (Gardner, 1991). This will create a sense of personal relation in children with the Scientific Institute for Children publication house, which will make them urge their parents to buy them books from the publication house making them loyal customers Children retain more of the information they see and do than what they hear (Scientists in school, 2012). Hence, during the day of the launch a section of the program will be put aside for a tour around the publishing house. The children will be shown the different processes that are undergone during publication of books. The scientific processes involved will be explained in simple terms, with which the children can relate. Various activities will be arranged which will serve both an educative and entertaining purpose to the children. Several simple experiments outlined in some of the scientific books published by the publishing house will be set with the children being allowed to form and work in groups. This will help the children interact with their peers and to learn various science processes by doing the experiments themselves. This will have a higher impact in the learning capability of the child than the impact that classroom theoretical teaching would have (Segal, Bardige, W oika Leinfelder, 2006). This activity will also help in growing the children’s interactive skills, as they will carry out these experiments in groups. It will also give the children’s parents the incentive to buy the books for their children to help them continue learning even after the launch hence it will act as a marketing strategy for the publishing house. The decor will also act as a teaching tool. By setting up the place in a scientific environment manner, the curious nature in the children will be ignited, prompting them to ask questions which when answered will lead to an increase in their scientific knowledge (Glynn, Yeany Britton, 1991). Being visual learners, the children will get the knowledge ingrained in their minds making the launch a highly educative event. Children will love the place because of the interesting decor and will urge their parents to revisit the place and buy them books specifically from that publisher. In the program, there will be fun quizzes set where various children will participate with the winner getting a chance to get books published by the Scientific Institute for Children. This quiz will act as a platform for the children to showcase their knowledge, which will act as a boost to the children’s esteem. It will also teach approach skills to scientific questions, which will better the children ’s performance in class (Center for Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Education, 2000). The questions set will have been derived from the scientific books published at the publication house hence the schools involved and the parents will find it necessary to by the books to enlarge the knowledge scope for the children. Integration of the strategies in printed press campaign for the launch Using graphics and pictures of scientific equipments in the printed advertisements will lead to a higher response level from children (Clow Baack, 2007). Children have a basic interest in objects hence creating an advertisement with scientific objects strategically placed will capture the interest of children who will urge their parents to take them to the event (Guterman, 2011). The print advertisements should also be colorful to attract the children’s attention and encourage their attendance as the launch of the Scientific Institute for Children is meant to benefit children. Clearly stating the objectives of the launch and the benefits that will be attained will convince the parents to take their children to the launch since advertising to children should be aimed at creation of education for children (USCAnnenberg, 2011). The objectives of the launch will be opening a branch of the publishing house, which will aim at catering to the needs of children for scientific knowled ge. The launch will have educational benefits to the children and will generate an interest in science for the children by teaching them science in a fun way. Expressly outlining the type of fun activities planned for the participants will make the parents and children aware of what to expect while building up excitement for the event. The scientific writers of the books published by the publishing house that will be present on the day of the launch should be named in the advertisement as the main guests. This will publicize their work while at the same time familiarize the students with the writers of the books they read. Integration of the strategies in a campaign for the local TV network The event will require a lot of publicity, which can be generated by creating an advertisement to be aired in the local TV network. TV advertising is usually considered as the most effective advertising method when targeting the general mass (Clow Baack, 2007). TV advertisements are usually short hence only the most vital information should be used and in a simply understandable way (Clow Baack, 2007). The TV advertisement should be colorful, just like the print commercial, to attract the children. This is because children greatly influence their parents and will convince the parents to take them to the launch (Gore, 1989). The logo for the publishing house should be incorporated. This identifies the owner of the event. The advertisement should outline the important points such as the benefits and pleasures that will be expected from the launch, which should be set in a manner appeals to children. It should also state the date, venue and time of the event and the invited guests, such as the writers. The fun activities such as the educative play and experiment participation should also be stated. The opportunity to win freebies should be said in the advert to generate the interest of the children as most people love winning. The TV advertisement should appear repetitively, that is more than once. Most children watch television on average more than 20hrs a week hence, a repetitive message will generate curiosity and interest (Horovitz, 2006). References Center for Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Education. (2000). Inquiry and the National Science Education Standards: A guide for teaching and learning. Washington, D.C: National Academy Press. Print. Clow, K. E. Baack, D. (2007). Integrated Advertising, Promotion, and Marketing Communications, 3rd edition. Pearson Education. pp. 165-171. Print. Gardner, H. (1991). The unschooled mind: How children think and how schools should teach. New York: BasicBooks. Print. Glynn, S. M., Yeany, R. H., Britton, B. K. (1991). The Psychology of learning science. Hillsdale, N.J: L. Erlbaum Associates. Print. Gore, A. (1989). Children’s TV Act of 1989 (Hearing before the U.S Senate Subcommittee on Comunications, No.101-221.) Washington, DC: U.S, Government Printing Office. Print. Guterman, M. (2011). Marketing Strategies Targeting Children. Retrieved from: Horovitz, B. (2006). Six strategies marketers use to get kids to want stuff bad. USATODAY. Retrieved from: Scientists in school. (2012). HELP YOUR CHILD GET ‘HOOKED’ ON SCIENCE. Retrieved from: Segal, M., Bardige, B., Woika, M. J., Leinfelder, J. (2006). Sparking a Child’s Interest in Science. Retrieved from: USCAnnenberg School for Communication and Journalism. (2011). Marketing to Children: Strategies and Issues. Retrieved from:
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
The Writers 5 Ws
The Writers 5 Ws The Writers 5 Ws The Writers 5 Ws By Maeve Maddox Yes, its Journalism 101, but people who should have it engraved upon the doorposts of their hearts still manage to forget that every news story should contain the Five Ws (and sometimes the H of how). As editor for a site for writers, I solicit announcements about events that have to do with writing. I am dismayed by the number of submissions I receive that leave out one of the five Ws. Kipling made it easy for us to remember: I keep six honest serving-men (They taught me all I knew); Their names are What and Why and When And How and Where and Who. For a club announcement, be sure that the five Ws provide enough information to enable a reader to make a decision. For example, the When should include not just the date, but the time of day. Readers will appreciate having an ending time as well as a beginning time, for example, noon until 3 p.m. The Where may be familiar to the person writing the notice, but it may not be to the reader. If the place is a restaurant or a hall, it may be helpful to include an address, or directions for getting there. The Who needs to include more who-ness than just a name. If Who is a speaker, use an appropriate epithet: Forensics expert Max Lewis, Entomology professor Laurie Baxter, literary agent Maggie Smith. If the Who is an organization, dont expect everyone to know that SCBWI stands for Society of Childrens Book Writers and Illustrators. Spell it out at least once. The What, of course, is the event: a monthly meeting, the tour of a new library, an exhibit. The Why should give the reader an idea of why the event is worth attending: an opportunity to see a new facility, to learn about criminal investigation, to find out what an agent wants in a query letter. Next time youre asked to send a notice of an upcoming event to your local media, it might be a good idea to review the five Ws (and sometimes H) before submitting it. Oh, and one more thing thats not in Kiplings list: Be sure to include contact information. This may take the form of a name, telephone number, website, or email address at the end of the story. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Writing Basics category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:30 Religious Terms You Should KnowTry to vs. Try and40 Synonyms for Praise
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Terminology & Experiences & Beliefs Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Terminology & Experiences & Beliefs - Case Study Example I began to associate the term with high intelligence in a given area and high levels of income. The term also implies come connotations of social privilege. I would describe an accounting professional as a person who has gone through the formal education system of accountancy and acquired the requisite skills of accountancy to such a level that he can and has applied them to solve accounting related problems. Necessarily, such a person, according to my description, should have some experience in the accounting area of specialization, and must reflect a high regard of ethical practices. Yes, I would differentiate myself from the well-paid non-professional people in the field of accounting precisely because my formal training as an accountant has enabled me to acquire resourceful insights that differentiates me from non-professionals. I am knowledgeable about the dynamics of the business world and the attendant principles that govern them. With sufficient experience, I believe that I would be able to distinguish myself from the well-paid non-professional because of the depth of my insight and the formality of my
Friday, November 1, 2019
Medicare and Medicaid-SLP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Medicare and Medicaid-SLP - Essay Example Apart from Pharmaceutical labelers that refer to drug prior approval information supplied with the drug by the CMS, the Automated Voice Response System (AVRS) is used to reinforce the Drug Prior Approval process. Through AVRS pharmacy providers can inquire about or enter a request for a drug prior approval via either a touch-tone or rotary dial phone, (, 2009). The State of Illinois has the All Kids medical insurance program. Under this program, children who have no medical cover because their parents cannot afford insurance premiums are covered at rates their parents can afford. The aim of the program is to ensure that all children benefit from medical coverage no matter what their ascribed social status. They are covered under comprehensive, affordable health insurance, regardless of family income, immigration status or health condition, (, 2009). Under the program children can access hospitals, medicine and physicians when the need arises. The program recognizes the fact that every child deserves to grow up healthy without any medical discrimination. It covers doctor calls, hospitalization, prescribed drugs, optician visits, dental check-ups, eyeglasses, regular check-ups and immunization shots. Other services like medical equipment, speech therapy and physical therapy are also covered for the children in need. Anyone 18 years and below living in Illinois is a potential candidate for All Kids, provided that they are not in a position to afford regular health care from conventional programs. There is no income limit since all uninsured kids can qualify for All Kids regardless of what their parents earn. All Kids is different from the State’s Comprehensive Health Insurance Plan (Chip). CHIP is funded partly by participant premiums and partly by appropriations of the state’s General Revenue
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Campaign for Civil Rights in the USA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Campaign for Civil Rights in the USA - Essay Example Mohandas Gandhi in India inspired James Lawson about the non-violent demonstration with the blacks in America against their civil rights. This is because a violent activism and demonstration could cause a lot of death and many will be slaughtered as predicted by Gandhi and it was to create a moral crisis so that the members of the society could feel this and decide on how to treat the black people. He told his students not to laugh strike back nor curse if abused and not to block entrances, instead to be friendly and coordinate to with the leaders as they protested.The protesters choose to use sit in as that was the most influential places where most of the whites went, and the meet over meals and most influential people meet. They went in such place, and seat and the reaction they received were harsh as they were just stared at and were not served.The students faced a crisis when the police arrived in one of the sit in to arrest them on a Saturday. The police were then dump folded b y their guilt as the protest applied an innocent look and acted normal. This made the cops men guilty and, for instance, they started looking at each other and even asked each other what to do. This was a tactic that they were taught, not to be violent and to keep calm and not to strike back nor curse if abused. In most cases, these desegregation strategies worked in Nashville compared to the other city-states because never before this was witnessed in the place, the mayor and of the city was also considerate as revealed.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Overseas Market Entry Methods Essay Example for Free
Overseas Market Entry Methods Essay Advantages and Disadvantages First method includes: 1)Direct Export the organization produces their product in their home market and then sells them to customers overseas 2)Indirect Export the organizations sells their product to a third party who then sells it on within the foreign market Another less risky market entry method is licensing. Here the Licensor will grant an organization in the foreign market a license to produce the product, use the brand name etc in return that they will receive a royalty payment. ( ex. Coca-Cola) Franchising Franchising is another form of licensing. Here the organisation puts together a package of the ‘successful’ ingredients that made them a success in their home market and then franchise this package to oversea investors. The Franchise holder may help out by providing training and marketing the services or product. McDonalds is a popular example of a Franchising option for expanding in international markets. Manufacturing Abroad The ultimate decision to sell abroad is the decision to establish a manufacturing plant in the host country. The government of the host country may give the organization some form of tax advantage because they wish to attract inward investment to help create employment for their economy. Joint Venture is a cooperation of foreign and local investors of the capital in order to create a local business that they own and manage jointly. Subsidiary is a company that is completely or partly owned and partly or wholly controlled by another company that owns more than half of the subsidiarys stock. The subsidiary can be a company, corporation, or limited liability company. In some cases it is a government or state-owned enterprise. The controlling entity is called its parent company, parent, or holding company. And the end I would like to focus your attention on the chart. You can see advantages and disadvantages of each method. Thank you for attention, if you have questions, you are welcome.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
osteoporosis :: essays research papers
               Special Assignment NutritionDefine Type 1 and Type 2 osteoporosis, and explain habits that increase a person’s risk of developing osteoporosis.Type 1 osteoporosis is characterized as post menopausal. Women who are approaching the age of menopause should seriously consider consulting a physician to prepare for the changes her body is about to go through. As estrogen levels taper off, the kidneys start to draw calcium the body needs for normal maintenance of the skeletal frame from the bones, which in turn results in a loss of trabecular calcium. Risks involved with such events include sudden breaks, the vertebrae may begin to disintegrate, teeth may begin to loosen, and fall out. Type 2 osteoporosis is known to happen with age. Although not directly related to hormones like Type 1, Type 2 also results in damage to the skeletal frame. Along with losses of trabecular goes cortical calcium, vertebrae compress cause the spine to form a wedged shape, and hips are often know to break. There are several habits of a lifestyle which contribute to the on set osteoporosis. Smoking cigarettes effects estrogen and calcium absorption resulting in lowered calcium levels. Maintaining a proper diet that includes plenty of vitamins (A, K, D, & C) and essentials minerals (phosphorous, fluoride, magnesium, and zinc) is a catch all remedy to fight against osteoporosis. Explain why women are more at risk of developing each type of osteoporosis.Women are more at risk to developing either osteoporosis due to the activity of estrogen in their bodies. Estrogen helps in calcium synthesis and fights against bone destroying osteoclasts cells. Women who have an irregular menstrual cycle or are post menopausal are at a higher risk of developing osteoporosis. 3b. Explain what changes in lifestyle you would recommend to your (choose one and circle your choice: mother, sister, wife, girlfriend, friend), to help her reduce her risk of developing osteoporosis. The best way for any woman to fend against osteoporosis are; maintain a diet of adequate
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Quote of the mind Essay
Some people think that the mind is the brain or some other part or function of the body, but this is incorrect. The brain is a physical object that can be seen with the eyes and that can be photographed or operated on in surgery. The mind, on the other hand, is not a physical object. It cannot be seen with the eyes, nor can it be photographed or repaired by surgery. The brain, therefore, is not the mind but simply part of the body. There is nothing within the body that can be identified as being our mind because our body and mind are different entities. For example, sometimes when our body is relaxed and immobile, our mind can be very busy, darting from one object to another. This indicates that our body and mind are not the same entity. In Buddhist scriptures, our body is compared to a guest house and our mind to a guest dwelling within it. When we die, our mind leaves our body and goes to the next life, just like a guest leaving a guest house and going somewhere else. If the mind is not the brain, nor any other part of the body, what is it? It is a formless continuum that functions to perceive and understand objects. Because the mind is formless, or non-physical, by nature, it is not obstructed by physical objects. It is very important to be able to distinguish disturbed states of mind from peaceful states. As explained in the previous chapter, states of mind that disturb our inner peace, such as anger, jealousy, and desirous attachment, are called ‘delusions’; and these are the principal causes of all our suffering. We may think that our suffering is caused by other people, by poor material conditions, or by society, but in reality it all comes from our own deluded states of mind. The essence of spiritual practice is to reduce and eventually to eradicate altogether our delusions, and to replace them with permanent inner peace. This is the real meaning of our human life. The essential point of understanding the mind is that liberation from suffering cannot be found outside the mind. Permanent liberation can be found only by purifying the mind. Therefore, if we want to become free from problems and attain lasting peace and happiness we need to increase our knowledge and understanding of the mind.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Nationalism Is a Modern Form of Consciousness
A few weeks ago the topic of nationalism was presented to me. So I asked myself â€Å"What is nationalism? †and â€Å"How did it come about? †This led me to an essay stating that â€Å"Nationalism is a modern form of consciousness (Greenfeld 2006: 64-92). †It went on to say that â€Å"Nationalism is the constitutive element of modernity and it provides the foundational form of consciousness in all societies defined as nations (Greenfeld 1992: 3-26). †With this brief insight on nationalism I wrote this paper. This essay will discuss the proposed question ‘Nationalism is a modern form of consciousness.What role(s) do you think that this form of consciousness play(s) in the identity of Caribbean people? Do you think that this modern form of consciousness contributes to the motivation of Caribbean people? ’ But before we talk about nationalism in the Caribbean we must take into consideration the history of the Caribbean in order to identify th e role that this form of consciousness plays in the identity of Caribbean people. While growing up, I can vividly remember my primary school teacher, Mrs Khan, stating that â€Å"The Caribbean is a group of small islands encircled by the Caribbean Sea†.That same afternoon I asked my mother about the small islands makes up the Caribbean and how far are they from Trinidad. She told me that â€Å"The Caribbean is made up of countries such as Anguilla, Antigua & Barbuda, the Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, British Virgin Island (BVI), Cayman Islands, Dominica, Grenada, Jamaica, Montserrat, St Christopher & Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent & the Grenadines and the republic of Trinidad and Tobago and that they share a common history.It is enriched with variety of cultures, religion and dialects, which were mixed and created new forms such French Patois; that’s why the Caribbean is comprises of such rich diversity. †This information encouraged me to dig deeper and find out more about nationalism and to my astonishment I realised that there are multiple perceptions on the theory of nationalism. These perceptions varied because of the overall modifications in life and the roles that different persons took on the idea of nationalism.Nationalism, a modern form of consciousness, emerged in the sixteenth century after the War of Rose in England (Greenfeld 1992: 3-87). This war resulted in the annihilation of the aristocracy creation a void at the top of the social pyramid which needed to be filled thus a new aristocracy. This new aristocracy was comprised of talented and educated individuals of the lower social strata. Although I had all these information the question still remained â€Å"What is nationalism and how it related to the Caribbean? Ernest Gellner (1964) stated that nationalism â€Å"invents nations where they do not exist even if it helps to have some pre-existing cultural traits. †He went on to say that the nation has become a sociologica l necessity for modern, industrial society. This form of modernisation eats away traditional society and its role relationships, uprooting and mobilising the peasants and swelling the cities. These urbanised peasants and workers who experience discrimination formed a new nation of their own and consequently, nationalism generates new nations. Now I’m faced with a new question â€Å"What is a nation? According to dictionary reference a nation is â€Å"a large body of people, associated with a particular territory, that is sufficiently conscious of its unity to seek or to possess a government peculiarly its own. †Eric Hobsbawm (1994) viewed the nation as an invented tradition. He argued that in order to understand the concept of nationalism this invented tradition must be explored. Furthermore, she understood that the fundamental part of nationalism is the nation. The perception of nationalism deals with the creation of consciousness of human mind, shared beliefs, popu lar sovereignty and equality.This then led me to think that nationalism has play role in the Caribbean identity. When discussing the historical background of the Caribbean you should know the difference between individualistic nationalism and collectivism. Before the 19th century, most of the Caribbean islands were colonized by the European Union such as Great Britain, France, Spain and Portugal to a lesser extent. The enslaved individuals of these colonies fought against the whites for improved working conditions among others.This is one of the examples whereby enslaves individuals felt that mental consciousness. Together they saw they needed a better life and so showed resistance. After the emancipation of slavery and countries obtaining their independence the beginning of nationalism has been felt greatly by countries. For example, in my birth country, Trinidad and Tobago, a French Creole, Andrew Arthur Cipriani, , was responsible for the beginning of national consciousness. He w as responsible for the formation of the Workingmen’s Association, now called Trinidad Labor Party.The party’s motto â€Å"Agitate, Educate, Confederate†motivated individuals to overthrow the Euro-British Colonialism which appealed to their sovereignty. Now there is a place called Cipriani Boulevard in honour of Andrew Arthur Cipriani contribution in Trinidad and Tobago nationalism. Additionally, many countries migrated to foreign investment for economical stability to maintain their nation shows that this form of modern consciousness has been developed. A contribution of nationalism that is currently growing throughout the Caribbean is loyalty.People are becoming more and more devoted to their individual countries which are seen especially around independence time. For instance, in Grenada most buildings are decorated in their national colours and children are being educated about the history of Grenada. This gives them a sense of who they are as a country. Bef ore, people of various countries would wear their flags in an unmannerly fashion and no one would say anything but now they wear it with pride. This modern form of consciousness also brought about by the political directorate and the trade unions. Individuals such as Dr.Eric Williams of Trinidad and Tobago, T. A. Marryshow of Grenada and Jacob of Guyana are but a few who promoted self-reliance and walking together for the betterment of each other and it played a profound role in Caribbean identity. Some of the things within the Caribbean that contribute to the identity of the Caribbean people are education, sports, CARICOM/ CSME and the CCJ. In education there are areas such as University of the West Indies (UWI) and Caribbean Examination Council (CXC) which contributed to the Caribbean identity and who we are today. In sports there are areas such as cricket.The West Indies cricket whether they are winning or losing is a major factor that influenced Caribbean identity. Dr. Hon Denzi l Douglas the Prime Minister and St. Kitt’s and Nevis stated that , the West Indies cricket team removed the Caribbean from the clutches of colonialism and that is the real form of nationalism Nationalism, a modern form of consciousness, has contributed to the motivation of the Caribbean people. For instance, after the abolition of slavery ex-slaves educated themselves to the highest level possible as well as their children because they did not want them to be like them.Many times I questioned why it is my parents are pushing us to attain the highest possible educational level and now after reading and researching for this paper I see the importance of an education. They also were motivated to cease free labour and to acquire better paying jobs so that they can provide for their families. I concur that nationalism played an important role in the shaping of the people of the Caribbean. The Caribbean people rebelled against their oppressions for betterment. Thus, it can be said that nationalism a modern form of consciousness did play apart in the development of Caribbean countries identity.Bibliography Gellner, E. (1964). Nationalism. Greenfeld, L. (1992). Nationalism as the Cultural Foundation of Modern experience. 3-87. Greenfeld, L. (1992). Nationalism as the cultural foundation of modern experience . 3-26. Greenfeld, L. , & Malczewski, E. (2006). Nationalism as the cultural foundation of modern experience . 64-92. Hobsbawm, E. (1994). Nationalism. References Nation. (n. d. ). Online Etymology Dictionary. Retrieved March 18, 2013, from Dictionary. com website: http://dictionary. reference. com/browse/nation
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Postmans Review essays
Postman's Review essays Amusing Ourselves to Death, by Neil Postman informs us on the evolution of communication. Neils views are expressed clearly in the text through his opinions and views. I believe that you distinguish his standpoints strong passionate that he writes on his ideas. Along with his passion I sense his attitude, by coming forth in the beginning of the paperback and saying, plainly as I can, this book is an inquiry into and a lamentation about the most significant American culture fact of the second half of the twentieth century: the decline of the Age of Typography and the ascendancy of the Age of Television(p.8). I deem that this statement shows his straight views, how he says things the way that he really believes, and this is the case through the book. He takes us through the evolution of communication by talking of its birth in the New England Region of the United States and its growth from there. He discusses the meaning of epistemology and how it pertains to his written text, and his broad thoughts. From the epistemology, he moves on to the written word and how it developed in many diverse directions. At the birth of our nation there were no; emails, telephones, or printed material floating around. With these conveniences not in our reach the only tool for communication was found in between our chins and noses: our mouths. Using our mouths as the only implement for communication made things difficult. With this it took a long time for people to be informed on what was going on in the country. People heard everything by what was passed on from the person next to them. So, when there was breaking news about in the country how reliable and accurate do you think that it was? How different do you think that news was from when it started eventually until it ended? For instance with the tragedy on September 11, how long do you think that it would have taken for us Kansans to hear of this? How ...
Monday, October 21, 2019
A Simple Summary of Shakespeares Hamlet
A Simple Summary of Shakespeare's Hamlet William Shakespeares famous work Hamlet, Prince of Denmark is a tragedy set across five acts written around the year 1600. More than just a revenge play, Hamlet deals with questions about life and existence, sanity, love, death, and betrayal. It is one of the most quoted works of literature in the world, and since 1960 it has been translated into 75 languages (including Klingon). The Action Begins Otherworldly As the play begins, Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, is visited by a mysterious ghost resembling his recently-deceased father the king. The ghost tells Hamlet that his father was murdered by Claudius, the king’s brother, who then took the throne and married Hamlet’s mother Gertrude. The ghost encourages Hamlet to avenge his father’s death by killing Claudius. The task before Hamlet weighs heavily upon him. Is the ghost evil, trying to tempt him to do something that will send his soul to hell for eternity? Hamlet questions whether the specter is to be believed. Hamlet’s uncertainty, anguish, and grief are what makes the character so believable. He is arguably one of literature’s most psychologically complex characters. He is slow to take action, but when he does it is rash and violent. We can see this in the famous â€Å"​curtain scene†when Hamlet kills Polonius. Hamlet’s Love Polonius’ daughter Ophelia is in love with Hamlet, but their relationship has broken down since Hamlet learned of his father’s death. Ophelia is instructed by Polonius and Laertes to spurn Hamlet’s advances. Ultimately, Ophelia commits suicide as a result of Hamlet’s confusing behavior toward her and the death of her father. A Play Within a Play In Act 3, Scene 2, Hamlet organizes actors to re-enact his father’s murder at the hands of Claudius in order to gauge Claudius’ reaction. He confronts his mother about his father’s murder and hears someone behind the arras. Believing it to be Claudius, Hamlet stabs the man with his sword. It transpires that he has actually killed Polonius. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Claudius realizes that Hamlet is out to get him and professes that Hamlet is mad. Claudius arranges for Hamlet to be shipped to England with his former friends Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, who have been informing the king about Hamlet’s state of mind. Claudius has secretly sent orders for Hamlet to be killed on arrival in England, but Hamlet escapes from the ship and swaps his death order for a letter ordering the deaths of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. To Be or Not to Be †¦ Hamlet arrives back in Denmark just as Ophelia is being buried, which prompts him to contemplate life, death, and the frailty of the human condition. The performance of this soliloquy is a big part of how any actor portraying Hamlet is judged by critics.  Tragic Ending Laertes returns from France to avenge the death of Polonius, his father. Claudius plots with him to make Hamlet’s death appear accidental and encourages him to anoint his sword with poison. He also puts a cup of poison aside, in case the sword is unsuccessful. In the action, the swords are swapped and Laertes is mortally wounded with the poisoned sword after striking Hamlet with it. He forgives Hamlet before he dies. Gertrude dies by accidentally drinking the cup of poison. Hamlet stabs Claudius and forces him to drink the rest of the poisoned drink. Hamlets revenge is finally complete. In his dying moments, he bequeaths the throne to Fortinbras and prevents Horatios suicide by imploring him to stay alive to tell the tale.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Answers to Common Questions About Making Slime
Answers to Common Questions About Making Slime Here are answers to common questions about making slime, concerning slime ingredients, coloring slime, and storing slime: Making Translucent or Opaque Slime Basically, your slime will be about as transparent as the glue you use to make it. If you use white school glue, then your slime will be opaque. If you use translucent clear or blue glue gel (or another see-through color), then your slime will be translucent. Mixing Slime Solutions in Advance You can prepare the borax and glue solutions days or weeks before actually making the slime. How to Color Slime If your glue is tinted, then your slime will be colored. You can mix food coloring in with either slime-making solution. You can also add glitter or other decorations. Slime's Shelf Life Slime doesnt go bad, but you might want to toss it if it develops mold or dries out. Refrigerated slime, kept in a sealable plastic bag, should last for a couple of weeks, though even unrefrigerated bags have lasted much longer.
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