Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Patterns And Trends Essay Example for Free
Patterns And Trends Essay Patterns and trends regarding health and illness vary within different social groupings. For example, age and social class. Most people at retirement age are healthy and fit making valued contributions to society through paid work, volunteer work and by being a good citizen to society. However there are significant higher levels of illness in people over 75 due to their bodies being unable to function as well as it did as they age, therefore they are unlikely to receive as much exercise and fresh air, also they may be unable to stand up for long periods of time. This could lead to various complications such as not being able to cook. These factors all lead to an unhealthy lifestyle. Ill health is not the only worry that comes hand-in-hand with old age; for example, financial worries and bereavements of old friends could also inflict stress onto the elderly. This holds the possibility to lead to serious health complications and illnesses such as depression. There is substantial evidence that the standards of health and the life expectancy of individuals varies according to social class. Individuals within a higher social class live longer and are healthier due to the fact that they can afford private healthcare. They also don’t have to worry about a loss of pay if they were to take time out to attend a doctor’s appointment or sick leave. Higher social class members are able to afford to live a healthier lifestyle. With a healthy lifestyle comes more expenses than that of an unhealthy lifestyle. Individuals in higher classes can afford healthier food choices, they can cook meals from scratch using fresh fruit and vegetables and organic produce. They may also have money to regularly attend the gym or even buy exercise machines for their home. They also have enough financial stability to afford a safe comfortable home with heating and running water whereas lower class individuals may be suffering from damp or an inability to afford heating and electricity. Also, due to their higher class they possess a better knowledge of how to live healthily due to the fact that they may have had a better education and been taught the importance of healthy living. Merit 2 – Use different sociological perspectives to discuss patterns and trends of health and illness in two different social groups. Distinction 1 Evaluate different sociological explanations for patterns and trends of health and illness in two different social groups. The black report on Inequalities in health care was introduced by the Department of health in the UK by Health Minister, David Ennals in 1977. It wanted to point out why the NHS had failed to reduce social inequalities in health and to investigate the problems. He would do this by analysing people’s lifestyles and their health records from different social class backgrounds. It found that the overall health of the nation had improved but the improvement was not equal across all the social classes, and the gap in inequalities in health between the lower and higher social classes is widening. It seemed that some of the main causes of this were class and ethnicity. There are many different factors that can increase your chance of becoming ill and dying. These factors social class, gender, age and ethnicity. The different social groups I will be discussing are social class and age. I am going to look into how these affect health. Social class is how people are ranked based on their occupation, education, income and surroundings (where they live). People claim that the higher their social class the wealthier they are and if they are in a lower social class then they aren’t as wealthy and most probably live in a lower class area. Poverty and inequality are very closely linked together and have a significant effect on a person’s social, physical and mental well-being. The social class also has an impact on infant mortality rate; this is because children are born to poorer parents that live in poor conditions, these children are more likely to get illnesses or worst case scenario they could die. People from a higher social class are less likely to die of conditions such cancer, heart disease and strokes. People that live in a higher social class tend to live longer than others. Individuals that live in deprived areas have a very different lifestyle to higher class people. Individuals in the lower social class are more likely to smoke, less likely to have a good education and more likely live in poverty for their life.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Claude McKays Harlem Shadows Essay -- Harlem Shadows Claude McKay Ess
Claude McKay's "Harlem Shadows" During the Harlem Renaissance, the black body was considered exotic and the "flavor" of the week. Society had an obsession towards black women, in general, blackness. However, the white race wanted to listen to their music, mingle with the women, and enjoy the other finer luxuries that the black society could afford. Even the art was captured by this idea of the exotic and contentment in being "black." The masquerade began as members of the white race tried to pass as black and during that experience gain some satisfaction from their own lost and confused existence. Â Â Â Â Â Claude McKay was unique in style and tone, yet still followed the other artists by topic. The exotic in Claude McKay's "Harlem Shadows" is apparent. McKay is developing the exotic throughout the text and saying that black exoticism is the only way that Africans can survive in America. McKay wants the African American to embrace their bodies, but there is an element of pity to the work. He feels that embracing the exotic in your own body is the way that the black person can become African American. Ignoring the culture fails to guide black Americans to discovering his or her identity. As a Harlem Renaissance writer, Claude McKay tried to guide African Americans to accept the African culture along with the exotic characteristics involved in it. Â Â Â Â Â In "Harlem Shadows", McKay tries to express how a black woman survives everyday life in America. He writes, "I see the shapes of girls who pass/ to bend and barter at desires call." McKay identifies with the black desires that these women can not avoid. It is in their nature to turn and exchange their bodies. However, the most important reference McKay makes is the use of the word barter. The dictionary meaning of bartering is to exchange services without the exchange of money. These girls are not receiving money for each desire they fulfill. For the girls to continue satisfying desires without receiving anything in return, McKay implies they are enjoying the act. Also, that these woman need to complete these desires to survive. Another prominent aspect of the line is that McKay uses the term girls instead of women. Thus proving that even from an immature age, black females are not able to suppress their exotic nature and desires. Therefore, McKay is encouraging w omen to embrace their own African roots, n... ...ng, "Follow my example." That is how the girls can save the culture and realize their identity. He wants the girls to find a better way to exhibit their sexual tendencies and embrace the culture. The girls nightly behavior is shameful and not the way to living the culture. Â Â Â Â Â Throughout "Harlem Shadows," McKay is telling the young girls to express their natural sexuality, but to find a different way. The behavior that they are displaying is more disgraceful and should not be considered Black culture. McKay shows how the girls have lost their innocence and spread the black culture to the white race, yet McKay implies that their idea of the culture is tainted as the girls themselves are. Claude McKay makes reference to his example being the girl's saving grace to the true black culture and each girl's true identity. Â Â Â Â Â However, in his message McKay has to make the girls exoticized and objectified before he can explain the way to change and the ultimate survival. By objectifying the girl's McKay attaches his poem along with the rest of the writers at the time. He is writing the same topic of exoticism, black culture, and resuscitation from a lost and confused existence.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Analytical Description of Players in Hamlet Essay
The significance of the players exceeds the sole purpose of entertainment, as each possesses the power to unveil the â€Å"occulted guilt†(3.2.75) and conscience of the King. Hamlet assumes the responsibility to advise these players with precise and adequate direction so that a â€Å"whirlwind of passion†(6) may not effectively separate Claudius from personally identifying with the play. Hamlet’s enthusiastic approach toward direction may be so that he encourages the players to â€Å"suit the action to the word, the word to the/ action, with this special observance, that you o’erstep not/ the modesty of nature†(16-18). However, this exercise of caution may justify Hamlet’s too often delayed attempt toward the action of avenging his father’s murder. His direction confines him to the overflow of words as he experiences imprisonment within the truth of his own identity. Hamlet grants himself the opportunity to momentarily direct himself, yet it remains unknown as to whether he directs a representation of truth or a falsity. He exemplifies madness so well, as the sight of â€Å"a damned ghost†(77) insanely induces his imagination and comfortably transforms his identity to one of lunacy. This role he acquires is one he portrays so explicitly well as an actor that he easily utilizes it as the foundation for his players. He instructs the players: Nor do not saw the air too much with your hand, Thus, but use all gently, for in the very torrent, tempest, And, as I may say, whirlwind of passion, you must acquire And beget a temperance that may give it smoothness. (4-7) Abstinence from overly dramatizing the actions of the play may be reflective of Hamlet’s character prior to his escape from true self: a once-lived life of normalcy focused more wholly on â€Å"smoothness†(7) rather than an uncontrolled â€Å"torrent, tempest, / †¦whirlwind of passion†(5-6). Hamlet’s direction of the players claims victory as Claudius abruptly arises and exclaims, â€Å"Give me some light. Away†(254)! Horatio’s observation of the King’s reaction confirms his guilt-inflamed conscience as he was forced to witness the reenactment of his brother’s murder. Hamlet, relieved, reveals, â€Å"I’ll take the ghost’s word for a thousand/ pound†(271-272). The ghost is officially trustworthy as the King’s reaction encourages Hamlet to journey further toward his mission of avenging the death of his father. Any form of immediate action is ignored when Hamlet wrestles Polonius with false visions of psychosis as he inquires, â€Å"Do you see yonder cloud that’s almost in shape of a / camel†(355-356)? Hamlet’s separation from action invites a sense of fear that intensifies his madness and entangles his entire self in nothing more than the mere use of words. It is his words that camouflage the notion that his own conscience may be afflicted with an overpowering sense of guilt. Even though Hamlet’s accurate direction of the players did celebrate success as it illustrated the guilt of the King’s conscience, Hamlet’s identity remains in crisis as he continues to revel in his words. His speech reveals his craving for action: ‘Tis now the very witching time of night, When churchyards yawn and hell itself (breathes) out Contagion to this world. Now could I drink hot blood, And do such (bitter business as the) day Would quake to look on. (367-371) The claim that he is prepared to engage in necessary action remains solely a claim as Hamlet’s burden of self-loathing dominates his internal struggle. He may fear the truth of his identity, as he is horrified by the realism included in the players’ precise portrayal of his own life in actuality.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
The Father Of Modern Advertising - 1434 Words
CJ Curran 11/14/16 20th Century Art History Professor Young The Father of Modern Advertising The early 20th century was a period of unparalleled change and industrialization. Advertising, in particular, began to take a hold in western society and made significant advances due to multiple factors including an influx of new jobs, developments in production, and increase in consumerism. While Albert Lasker and Thomas J. Barratt made important contributions to advertising, Leonetto Cappiello should be recognized as the father of modern marketing because he helped change the way that the advertising industry was perceived. Although the ad business was beginning to growing in the late 19th century it was still generally unrefined not a viable source of income. There was a general distrust of advertising, which lacked subtlety and creativity. Nevertheless, enterprising new industries were systematically searching every possible venue for a bigger revenue stream and edge over the competition. Although not a true marketer, Leonetto Cappiello virtually created the modern ad by effecti vely capturing the audience s attention, creating a unique and clear template for ad composition, and most importantly developed branding. It took a true pioneer and upcoming artist to create a real, persuasive and commercial dialogue with the world. Leonetto Cappiello was born in 1875 in the seaport of Livorno on the Italian Riviera. It was an extravagant town with beautiful beaches, great views,Show MoreRelatedBlack Ish And The Abc Sitcom988 Words  | 4 Pagescast to show that ideas linked to race are not finite and that they can change over time. Blackish attempts to address the ways in which society views the African-American race in a light hearted, comedic manner. The ABC sitcom is centered around a modern African-American family living in suburban California. The cast is comprised of two parents, four children, and a grandfather. 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